Tuesday, October 26, 2010

House Rules by Jodi Picoult

The hallmark signs of Asperger's Syndrome; tics and twitches, avoiding eye contact. These are the very behaviors that get the police's attention pointing to Jacob Hunt as the prime suspect in his tutor's murder investigation. This book takes a look at our legal system, it's flaws, and how autism affects a family.

Teachers: Here are some resources to help you teach..
Jodi Picoult's website This website is very helpful to get an insight into the author. It also has book club discussion questions and background information on Asperger's Syndrome.
Your Little Professor This website has lots of information on Asperger's Syndrome that can not only help you understand but help you help your students learn more.

Teaching Suggestions:
1. Before Reading Have the students beginning a KWL on what they already know about Asperger's Syndrome.
2. During Reading Have them research about Asperger's Syndrome and not only fill in their KWL chart but also create another graph with two columns, in one column place traits that are common for people with Asperger's and in the other have them list Jacob's traits.
3. After Reading When the students have completed reading the book have them list all the reasons they thought Jacob was the prime suspect and then write ways that these misconceptions could be avoided.

Picoult, Jodi. House Rules: A Novel. New York: Washington Square Press, 2010.

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